Havenwelten Bremerhaven at night
Incentive, team building or leisure programme

Accompanying Programmes

Bremerhaven is a large and lively port city with typical maritime characteristics and things to experience. Relaxation and recuperation are guaranteed thanks to the fresh sea air. Extraordinary incentives in the heart of the "Havenwelten" district will make your stay in the coastal city absolutely unforgettable:

Discover the future and the past in the interactive museums "Klimahaus 8° Ost Bremerhaven" and the German Emigration Center.
Explore Bremerhaven from 86 metres in the air.
Experience the impressive container terminal on the HafenBus (port bus).

Bremerhaven is not just about maritime lifestyle and action – the ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City also offers culinary highlights:

In the Conference Center you will become a witness in the original "Krimidinner" (Detective Dinner).

Festively set up tables for the 'Resteessen' (leftover dinner) at the ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City in Bremerhaven

Info-Dinner Resteessen

Mit diesem besonderen Veranstaltungsformat heben wir die Wertschätzung gegenüber Lebensmitteln in den Vordergrund. Ob Rahmenprogramm, Get-Together oder Incentive: das Resteessen gibt Ihnen Gang für Gang wertvolle Tipps gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung. Und keine Angst: Hier servieren wir natürlich keine Essensreste aus der Tonne, aber Sie werden staunen, was aus vermeintlichen Resten Leckeres gezaubert werden kann.


Beispiel für ein Resteessen-Menü (variiert saisonal):


Panna Cotta von der Pastinake
Hausgemachtes Radieschen Pesto / Karotte
Bremerhavener Fischtopf
Surf & Turf
Kabeljau / Rumpsteak
Karotten Pastinaken Gemüse / Kartoffeln
Kabinettpudding / Altländer Apfelsorbet


54,50 € pro Person


Veranstaltungsort im Hotel: Conference Foyer

Teilnehmerzahlen: ab 20 Personen

Details und finale Preise erfolgen nach Absprache.

View ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City

Sail City viewing platform

Sweeten your coffee break with a view to the horizon…

The Sail City building is 147 metres high and one of the tallest buildings on the German North Sea coast. The public viewing platform is located 86 metres above sea level.

When the weather's good you can enjoy a unique panoramic view that stretches for 30 kilometres. The platform is protected against the wind by glazing that surrounds the entire platform. Installed binoculars allow you to take a more detailed look into the distance. A second platform that is open to the wind is located about 95 metres above sea level and can be accessed by way of a staircase.

Havenwelten Bremerhaven

Klimahaus 8° Ost Bremerhaven

A climate voyage around the world at 8° east!

There are few issues as fascinating and moving as the weather, the climate and the changes brought about by man. The Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost is the first scientific and discovery centre that deals with issues as complex as the climate. The main attraction of the four exhibition areas is the "Reise" (Journey). A trip around the world along the 8th degree of longitude allows visitors to gain real insights into life in the world's most important climate zones.

Samoa's coral reefs, Antarctica and the Swiss Mountains - all of these are experienced in a single visit to the Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost in one day. Take the train with globetrotter Axel Werner and join him on a journey around the world. On your journey along the eighth degree of longitude you will get to know people who live in extreme climate zones and who have been particularly severely affected by climate change.

This journey makes it impressively clear how the lives of humans on our planet are affected by the climate as well as the changes that lie ahead. It makes visitors aware of the need for targeted environmental and climate protection.

The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost also has room for almost any kind of event, regardless of whether it's a private party, club outing or a company event.

VWebsite of Klimahaus Bremerhaven
Samoa in Klimahaus Bremerhaven | ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City

Cocktailempfang auf Samoa – Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost

Die Südsee mit all Ihren Sinnen genießen und dabei ein bisschen Urlaubsfeeling einfangen. Direkt nebenan im Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost lässt sich ein gemeinsamer Cocktail auf Samoa genießen, ohne eine weite Reise auf sich zu nehmen. Nach den offiziellen Öffnungszeiten des Erlebnismuseums können Sie mit Ihrem Team ab 50 Personen entspannt in den Abend starten und dabei das traumhafte Ambiente bei einem „Sweet Samoa Cocktail“ genießen.


Kleiner Tipp: Verbinden Sie Ihren Aufenthalt direkt mit einer Speedführung durch das Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost und begeben sich auf eine Reise entlang des 8. Längengrades!

Accompanying programme: German Emigration Centre in Bremerhaven

Deutsches Auswandererhaus (German Emigration Center)

Moving stories

Between 1830 and 1974 more than 7 million people departed from Bremerhaven to try their luck overseas. You will experience 300 years of emigration and immigration history in the exhibition through elaborately designed stagings as well as true stories.

The focus is on the moving stories of emigrants and immigrants – a reflection of hope and longing not just restricted to past centuries. How does it feel to leave your home and start a new life?

Learn the reason behind the massive waves of emigration and Germany's most important group of immigrants during an exclusive tour, also available outside of the regular opening hours.

The German Emigration Center provides a very special atmosphere for events. Situated at a historic location on the "Neuen Hafen" (new port), the museum captures the spirit of optimism of millions of people. Hold your event in an extraordinary setting and take advantage of the rooms at the German Emigration Center together with exclusive service that is personally tailored to suit your needs. Events at the German Emigration Center can also be booked in connection with a tour of the exhibition.

VWebsite of German Emigration Center
RIB-Safari Bremerhaven

RIB-Safari Bremerhaven

A breathtaking experience!

Your adventure begins with the offshore RIB "Nordsee Express" - designed for the harshest conditions on the open sea.

Experience water, waves and speed up close!

From the heart of Bremerhaven, the New Harbor, it takes you onto the Weser. The lever is placed on the table, the tug pier - the cruise terminal - is driven past and the course is set for the river quay in the direction of the large container freighters. At the end of the river quay, the speed is increased again and it goes to the open sea to the Robbenplate lighthouse. Before entering the harbour again, there is a final round in front of the Bremerhaven skyline and our hotel.

  • Total duration approx. 1.5 hours including safety briefing

  • Waterproof jackets and safety vests are provided

  • The excursions starts even in "bad weather" conditions - only in the case of thunderstorms and over 6 wind strengths the boat remains in the port

Participation per person € 69.00
Complete charter possible on request (max. 10 people) € 500.00

All prices quoted are gross prices.

VWelcome on board - breathtaking experiences LIVE
Accompanying programme harbour tour in Bremerhaven


Vorbei an den Dicken Pötten oder mit der Barkasse durch die Überseehäfen: eine Hafenrundfahrt mit dem Schiff lässt Sie das Leben im Hafen hautnah erleben.

Die Fahrt mit der MS „Geestemünde“ auf der Außenweser führt entlang der Hafenanlage bis zu den Seehundbänken, ein ganz besonderer Blickwinkel auf die Skyline von Bremerhaven. Mit den Hafenbarkassen „Lady Sunshine“ oder „Hein Mück“ geht es hingegen durch die Überseehäfen, vorbei Docks, Werften, Containern und Autoumschlagsplätzen. Egal für welche Rundfahrt Sie sich entscheiden, ein ganz besonderer Blick ist hier garantiert!

Accompanying programme HafenBus in Bremerhaven

HafenBus (port bus)

A great alternative to the port tour

An innovative and new idea to experience the international ports up close and personal with the HafenBus. The tour is complemented by a city tour along the Bremerhaven nautical mile.

The coastal city has a maritime side that was previously kept hidden even from most citizens of Bremerhaven. But that was in the past. The HafenBus drives through the international port to the impressive container terminal and on to the car terminal with the interesting "High & Heavy" sector in the north of the City. Visitors were previously prohibited from entering these premises for safety reasons. But that problem has been solved: one of the most fascinating parts of the port can now be marvelled at from close range. Be part of it!

Harbour Bremerhaven | Tour de Fish

Tour de Fisch

Wie kam die Fischindustrie nach Bremerhaven und welche Bedeutung hat sie heute? Alles rund um die Stadtgeschichte und das Lebensmittel Fisch gibt es auf der Tour de Fisch hautnah erklärt. Fishtown aus nächster Nähe und mit viele spannenden Details rund um die Hochseefischerei, das „who is who“ der deutschen Fischindustrie und das Schaufenster Fischereihafen – ein idealer Programmpunkt für Ihre Tagung, exklusiv ab 40 Personen oder zur offiziellen Führung jeden Samstag von 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr. Ihre individuelle Anfrage beantworten die Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Erlebnis Bremerhaven gern unter touristik@erlebnis-bremerhavende.de.

Guided city tour in Bremerhaven, Fischereihafen Bremerhaven

Zu Fuß durch die Seestadt

Seemannsgarn, Legenden und Meer erwarten Sie auf einer Führung durch Bremerhaven. Spannenden Anekdoten rund um die Geschichte der Seestadt, die Entstehung der Havenwelten und aktuelle Themen rund um Offshore, Container & Co: Verschiedene Themengebiete und Führungen können nach individuellen Wünschen und Absprachen von einem Gästefürher durchgeführt werden.


Ihre individuelle Anfrage beantworten die Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Erlebnis Bremerhaven gern unter touristik@erlebnis-bremerhavende.de.

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