Two persons with laptop and tablet | ATLANTIC Hotels
Technical elements for meetings and events

Event equipment

The technical equipment is of utmost importance for the success of your event: be it the proper function of the flipchart pens or the correct adjustment of all projectors and microphones. We therefore rely on state-of-the-art technology and competent support and instruction for the equipment.

Internet, telephone und fax

Business corner in the hotel lobby
WLAN group ticket
WLAN single ticket
Highspeed DSL and internet connection
telephone connection
Use of the telephone per unit
0.30 €

Presentations and lectures

P.A. equipment including a wireless microphone
120.00 €
Every additional wireless microphone
80.00 €
Lectern microphone
80.00 €
1.800 ANSI-Lumen
4.000 ANSI-Lumen

120.00 €
200.00 €
Projector screen
2.00 m x 3.00 m oder 1.80 m x 1.80 m
120.00 €
Laser pointer
15.00 €

Seminars and workshops

Flipchart including paper and pens
28.00 €
Pin board with paper covering, both sides
28.00 €
Overhead projector with transparencies and pens
28.00 €
TV/DVD combination
80.00 €
Facilitator's tool-case
50.00 €

Reproduction and printed materials

Photocopies / printouts
- b/w, up to 100 copies
- b/w, up to 100 copies
- colour, up to 100 copies
- colour, up to 100 copies

0.25 € per copy
0.15 € per copy
0.60 € per copy
0.40 € per copy
Transparencies b/w for copies mentioned above
0.75 € per copy
Transparencies colour for copies mentioned above
1.00 € per copy


Setting up the standard technology and instruction
Additional technical support
48.00 € per hour

If not mentioned separately, the prices are per item and per day and include applicable VAT.

Please note that we only have a limited number of the technology items listed available in the hotel. We would be pleased to provide additional conference and communication technology from a partner company and recommend reserving this well in advance.