Boat trip through the Neckar river in Heidelberg  | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg
Discovery tour through Heidelberg

Historic university town and more!

The beautiful city on the Neckar River with its long history inspires numerous tourists every year. With diverse offer, the old town invites you to take a leisurely stroll around. Visit the landmark of the city – the Heidelberg Castle with its garden. We have compiled some other highlights and sights for you on this page.

See for yourself and experience unforgettable moments in Heidelberg. 

Header photo: Chiemseherin – Pixabay

Special Places

Start your journey of discovery through Heidelberg. For example, at the historic Heidelberg Castle or with a guided tour of the Kurpfälzische Museum. Take the cable car up to the King's Chair, where you can enjoy a unique view over the whole city of Heidelberg. Back in the valley, you can stroll from the Kornmarket in the middle of Heidelberg's old town to the market square with its many cafés and restaurants.

Heidelberger Schloss  | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle also has a historical past. The Palatines and Electors from the House of Wittelsbach used to inhabit the grand domicile. Personalities such as Frederick the Victorious are among the famous figures in Heidelberg. The cellar of Heidelberg Castle also houses the largest filled wine barrel in the world. The sight can be visited on a guided tour. An insider tip in Heidelberg.

More information about the Heidelberg Castle

photo: © Chiemseherin – Pixabay

Alte Brücke in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Old Bridge and Bridge Gate

The Karl-Theodor-Brücke, also called the Old Bridge, inspires many tourists every year. Together with the medieval Bridge Gate, the sight protectes the city against floods and ice roads. The Bridge Gate connects two towers, each of which is almost 30 meters high. These served as a watchtower and prison at the time of the Elector Karl Theodor.

photo: Planet Fox – Pixabay

Heiliggeistkirche in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

The Church of the Holy Spirit

The Church of the Holy Spirit is one of the largest Gothic churches between Strasbourg and Oppenheim. It was built from 1398 to 1515. During that time it served, among other things, as the burial place of the Elector Palatine. And even today the Church of the Holy Spirit is one of the most visited churches in Germany.

More information about the Church of the Holy Spirit

photo: © Tobias Schwerdt – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

Hauptstraße in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Main Street

One of the oldest and longest pedestrian zones in Germany is the main street in Heidelberg. With a length of 1.8 km, strolling through the old town becomes a real sightseeing tour. Many sights, such as the House to the Giant, the Church of the Holy Spirit or the town hall can be viewed during a leisurely stroll.

More information about the Main Street

photo: Tobias Schwerdt – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

Shopping in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Darmstädter Hof Centrum

Shopping lovers first – the Darmstädter Hof Centrum offers a variety of stores, restaurants and other services. The landmarked building is located in one of the most popular shopping streets in Heidelberg. Sufficient parking is provided by the connected parking garage with over 700 parking spaces. Public transportation is available in short walking distance.

More information about the Darmstädter Hof Centrum

photo: © Stefan Kuhn – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

The King's Chair in Heidelberg

The King's Chair

Incredible 568 meters high with a breathtaking view of all of Heidelberg and the Neckar Valley. The King's Chair offers not only a place for rest and relaxation. Visitors will also find numerous leisure activities there. The amusement park "Fairy Tale Paradise" with its unbelievable 48,000 sqm invites you to spend beautiful hours with friends and family.  
The so-called "sky ladder", a steep staircase, leads to the popular attraction. Alternatively, the mountain railroad can be used. The King's Chair is a great place to increase your personal fitness level for hiking enthusiasts. One of the popular hiking trails is the forest adventure trail.

More information about the King's Chair

photo: © Tobias Schwerdt – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

 Boating on the Neckar in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Riverboat in Heidelberg

The two historic wooden boats, the Orso and the Pulpito, each offer space for 12 guests.  A boat trip on these lavishly restored, 100-year-old boats through the centre of Heidelberg is an unforgettable experience. Whether you are travelling privately, on business, as a couple or in a large group - let yourself be enchanted by the unique atmosphere, the picturesque Neckar and the beautifully furnished wooden boats. 

PS: Guests of our hotel receive a 10% discount on their booking with Riverboat Heidelberg.

Riverboat Flyer

photo: © Sabine Arndt

City of Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Kornmarkt (Corn Market)

In the heart of Heidelberg lies the beautiful Kornmarkt. Many restaurants and shops can be visited there. The traditional old town around the Kornmarkt is impressive with its beautiful buildings.

More information about the Corn Market

photo: © 652234 – Pixabay

Heidelberger Zoo  | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Heidelberg Zoo

With the variety of animals and other attractions, the Heidelberg Zoo provides fun-filled hours with friends and family. A special highlight is the petting zoo. There, cute pygmy goats and Rhön sheep can be petted. Appointments for entertaining events can be found on the website.

More information about Heidelberg Zoo

photo:Tobias Schwerdt – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

City of Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Kornmarkt (Corn Market)

In the heart of Heidelberg lies the beautiful Kornmarkt. Many restaurants and shops can be visited there. The traditional old town around the Kornmarkt is impressive with its beautiful buildings.

More information about the Corn Market

photo: © 652234 – Pixabay

Kürpfälzisches Museum in Heidelberg | ATLANTIC Hotel Heidelberg

Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg

The Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg is a popular place for all museum lovers. Art treasures from all eras, exciting online lectures or guided tours and workshops are only a few points of the diverse programme. The museum can also be explored with an audio guide.

More information about Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg

photo: © Tobias Schwerdt – Heidelberg Marketing GmbH